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420 Expungements in 2022

As part of Wyld’s goal to combat the failed war on drugs we are dedicated to helping with 420 expungements in 2022 - over one a day. These expungements wipe criminal records clean of cannabis or related charges. Wyld works with organizations to help reduce the barriers to expunging records, and seeks to reform the policies and practices that have criminalized the cannabis industry, support restorative justice efforts, and create opportunities that enable marginalized communities favorable access to the cannabis industry.

Wyld sponsored Oregon Senate Bill 1579 which was passed and signed September 21st, 2022, and will go into effect January 1, 2023. This bill will use cannabis tax dollars and provide community-based organizations funding to award grants to organizations that provide culturally responsive services to support economic stability, wealth building, and economic equity among disadvantaged individuals, families, businesses, and communities in Oregon. This includes $15 million to be allocated toward additional support to fund expungements for individuals with petty or cannabis crimes on their records. This is a big win for the cannabis community and a big step in fighting the failed war on drugs in Oregon.

Additionally, during National Expungement Week, September 19-25, Wyld supported CLEAR Clinic’s expungement clinics. CLEAR Clinic aims to help community members reduce barriers to employment, housing, education, and well-being. They are dedicated to increasing access to justice and addressing the lasting impact of disproportionate law enforcement on people of color and low-income communities. CLEAR Clinic offers a seamless transition to education and career training at Portland Community College as well. During National Expungement Week CLEAR Clinic helped 88 people expunge their records. So far in 2022, Wyld has supported 141 total expungements.

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