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2021 Emission Data Quality Overview

2021 Emission Data Quality Overview

Scope 1: 

  • Calculated, Mobile Combustion was calculated from Samsara (GPS fleet-tracking software), state-specific avg fuel price per gal, mileage, & reimbursement data. 

  • Stationary combustion was calculated from utility bills, EPA natural gas intensity by sq ft, and on-site facility manager insights.

  • Refrigerants- Excluded due to limited data sources and negligible impact on overall emissions 

Scope 2: 

  • Calculated, directly from utility bill data for all facilities under operational control, a combination of estimates by occupied square foot, partial utility bill data, and triple-net lease information was used for facilities not under operational control.

  • All electricity usage was matched 100% with either utility-bundled or unbundled renewable energy certificates.

Scope 3:

  • Category 1 - Purchased Goods & Services

    • Calculated and accounted for from both primary and spend-estimated data. Emissions associated with operational costs (staff payroll, rent, various insurances, nominal credit card purchases, permits, certificates, retirement funds, tax, legal and accounting services) are not included as they would represent an insignificant portion of the total GHG inventory.

  • Category 2 - Capital Goods

    • Accounted for by spend-estimated data. 

  • Category 3 - T&D associated with purchased electricity

    • Calculated through Ecometrica’s sustainability software

  • Category 4 - Upstream Transportation & Distribution

    • Partial data was included with spend-based estimates. Limited data sources of upstream transportation and distribution; difficult to disaggregate from Category 1 data regarding purchased ingredients and supplies. We will work with our partners to improve this category.

  • Category 5 - Waste Generated in Operations

    • Estimated from a combination of online account information and facility manager insights. Will continue to improve quality of data and work with partners to better estimate data from facilities not under our operational control.

  • Category 6 - Business Travel

    • Calculated from both direct data from travel-partner generated reports and partial year estimates. 

  • Category 7 - Employee Commuting 

    • Surveys were implemented this year to help better estimate this category. We captured responses from around 19% of the total headcount and used those responses to extrapolate the total estimated results. Our goal is to capture at least 50% of total headcount responses for 2022’s report.

  • Category 8 - Upstream leased assets

    • Accounted for in Scope 1 & Scope 2

  • Category 9 - Downstream Transportation & Distribution

    • Partial data was included with spend-based estimates. Limited data sources of downstream transportation and distribution. We have accounted for the emissions associated with transferring our products from manufacturing facilities to our various distribution partners facilities, however data is unavailable further downstream at this time. We will continue to work with our partners to estimate further downstream to increase the quality of this data.

  • Category 10 - Processing sold products

    • Non-applicable, excluded

  • Category 11 - Use of sold products

    • Non-applicable, our sold products do not use energy or emit significant GHGs during use.

  • Category 12 - End-of-life treat of sold products

    • Accounted for, we took the total number of units sold by SKU and organized them by their component material-types to estimate where the materials would end up relative to the location that they were purchased in. For example, Organics - we made the assumption that the organic material would be consumed, thus no related end-of-life emissions. For Plastics/Cardboard/Paperboard/Aluminum we used the most current sources of average recycling rate data available to estimate the amount of material that would be landfilled vs recycled.

  • Category 13 - Downstream leased assets

    • non-applicable, No assets leased to other entities in 2021

  • Category 14 - Franchises

    • non-applicable, No franchises owned in 2021.

  • Category 15 - Investments

    • non-applicable, No investments required by the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard in 2021

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