As a next step on our eco-journey, we have launched a first-of-its-kind, fully compostable, single-use, child-resistant packaging for our gummies in Canadian markets.

This fully-compostable packaging is currently available in Canada, and we will be transitioning to compostable drams as well as executing a massive supply chain overhaul in the US very soon. All of the materials used in our Canadian packaging are certified compostable, biodegradable and made from renewable resources like BioPBS, Woodpulp, and Bio Resins — including all adhesives, zippers, and inks!

It’s no secret that the cannabis industry produces an excessive amount of waste, and that single-use packaging that isn’t easily recycled, or in many cases, not recyclable at all.

We also understand that, as a cannabis company, we are part of the problem. Which is why we are redesigning our current plastic dram and bottles with more environmentally friendly, compostable materials, as well as launching our fully-compostable pouches in Canada and emerging markets.

By converting to more sustainable packaging, we are able to get one step closer to our goal of Net Zero emissions. This comes alongside the initiatives we aim to complete by the end of next year. Some of these initiatives being: continuing to fund nonprofits, organizing environmental projects and volunteering opportunities through our Community Relations department; vetting our supply-chain further upstream; and continually incorporating energy efficient appliances, lights, and equipment in all our facilities.

As we continue our journey as eco-champions, we encourage you to follow along, get involved, and to live life Wyld.

Believe us when we tell you, we’re just getting started!